How Long

2 years ago ep. 450 feat. Mac DeMarco 01:08:32

Mac DeMarco is a musician from Canada, currently living in Los Angeles. His new record, Five Easy Hotdogs, is out now. Chris is in Stockholm, and Jason is back in Glendale. We chat about Swedish pizza, our second show in London, Sirius XM is quite persistent, Mac being a Silverlake settler, jogging around the reservoir is embarrassing when you're buttery, The Virgin Suicides can get you randy, opening for Phoenix a long time ago, growing up in Edmonton, all hockey players just want to live in Florida, Olympian level drinking, how he quit smoking, driving all over the country and recording his record, Tik Tok guitar players have replaced songs, his mom respects him now that he rides a motorcycle, being that one guy who always feels compelled to leave town for a while and figure it all out, he's drawn to well-made, repairable things that last a long time, Mac is gonna keep on putting out weird shit, and you can kiss his ass.


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About us

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more.

A grainy photograph features How Long Gone hosts Chris Black and Jason Stewart reclining in the grass before a fountain containing a large golden statue of a leaping man.


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Press: Grub Street, Interview, New York Times, Vogue, WWD


Live Event Booking: High Road Touring
Label: Jagjaguwar

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