How Long

3 years ago ep. 290 feat. Eugene Kotlyarenko 01:13:21

Eugene Kotlyarenko is a filmmaker from all over the world but currently living in Los Angeles. His most recent film Spree is available now on Hulu. We chat about a recent music festival lineup, life in Little Bangladesh, getting covid from a Russian bathhouse, if Jesus was such a good carpenter, then why didn’t he invent the standing desk, pumping and dumping his Dogecoin, procrastinating with iPhone apps during pivotal times in his professional life, we help him get his foot in the door of commercial directing, what not to do in the sauna, Drake investing in his film, how Eugene got his special sauce, his life partner Olive pops in, the risk vs. reward with his specific brand of art, and how movie buffs may have an unrealistic expectation with romance, and as a director himself, whether or not he may be directing his very own romance IRL.


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About us

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more.

A grainy photograph features How Long Gone hosts Chris Black and Jason Stewart reclining in the grass before a fountain containing a large golden statue of a leaping man.


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Press: Grub Street, Interview, New York Times, Vogue, WWD


Live Event Booking: High Road Touring
Label: Jagjaguwar

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