How Long

4 years ago ep. 184 feat. Our NFT Winner Justin Staple 01:09:25

Justin Staple is the guy who won our NFT and got to be a guest on today’s episode. He’s a director, documentarian, and crypto lord. He spoke with us from his safe house in Palm Springs. We chat about Copenhagen, his documentary on Soundcloud rappers, DJing Bhabie’s sweet 16, Matt Ox, the pains of being wrung through the music industry machine, valuing social media presence over artistic output, Tenants Of The Trees, how he acquired out NFT, the future of rapper 6ix 9ine, shooting the video for Chet Haze's White Boy Summer, making a documentary about Cap’n Jazz, and we make a tennis wager.


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About us

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more.

A grainy photograph features How Long Gone hosts Chris Black and Jason Stewart reclining in the grass before a fountain containing a large golden statue of a leaping man.


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Follow @themjeans on Twitter & Instagram
Press: Grub Street, Interview, New York Times, Vogue, WWD


Live Event Booking: High Road Touring
Label: Jagjaguwar

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