How Long

2 years ago ep. 396 feat. Zane Lowe 01:19:21

Zane Lowe is the creative director and host of The Zane Lowe Show on Apple Music. We chat with him about the Pitchfork best songs of the 90s, Rihana's Superbowl predictions, Vegemite vs. Marmite, are we the first people to interview Zane or is he going to interview us, he likes talking to people because it keeps him present, our different styles of conversation, why we say "that's a good question," his perspective on canceling tours due to mental health, who benefits from demonizing famous people, out of control fandom, what Stevie Nicks has to say about the topic, does Zane also feel like its not worth having conversations unless we're being paid, talking to your wife in radio voice, what his kids are into, how much he's spending on Kids See Ghosts hoodies, living in London, what he gets out of vinyl, and why he fell in love with music in the first place.


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About us

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more.

A grainy photograph features How Long Gone hosts Chris Black and Jason Stewart reclining in the grass before a fountain containing a large golden statue of a leaping man.


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Follow @themjeans on Twitter & Instagram
Press: Grub Street, Interview, New York Times, Vogue, WWD


Live Event Booking: High Road Touring
Label: Jagjaguwar

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