How Long

2 years ago ep. 420 feat. M.J. Lenderman 00:58:15

M.J. Lenderman is a musician from Ashville, North Carolina. His new album Boat Songs, is out now. We chat about World Cup fever, hitting someone in the face with a guitar, Thom Yorke becoming a killing machine, eating sardines and saltines, local Whole Foods scene report, the reality of live show ticket costs, Chris attempts to cut some members of M.J.'s band, parameters need to be set as a jam band, M.J. likes Van Morrisson but only the new stuff, his love of basketball, stick-and-poke tight tats, his girlfriend threw away his coffee maker when he was on tour, we've all tangled with Xanax, his deadhead doctor dad bestowed the family minivan to him, and M.J.'s dream of playing on late night TV.


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About us

How Long Gone is a bi-coastal elite podcast from old friends and podcast professionals, Chris Black and Jason Stewart. CB and TJ deliver their takes on pop culture, fashion, music, and more.

A grainy photograph features How Long Gone hosts Chris Black and Jason Stewart reclining in the grass before a fountain containing a large golden statue of a leaping man.


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Press: Grub Street, Interview, New York Times, Vogue, WWD


Live Event Booking: High Road Touring
Label: Jagjaguwar

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